If you are worried about putting a plan together yourself, you can always speak to your local fire and rescue service who will be able to help for free, but if you would like to create your own then you can incorporate these tips in to your plan.
If you would like to create your own plan it’s best to plan with everyone you live with, including your children, to ensure that you all understand the it.
Make sure you have, if possible, two escape routes and that they are clear from any blockages (not blocked with boxes or bicycles or chained/padlocked). If the windows have locks makes sure that the keys are easily accessible.
You need to make sure that you have a room that you can all go to should the worse happen and you can’t get out in the event of a fire. If possible, the room should have a phone and if they are old enough, your children should know your address and how to call the emergency services.
If you are in a room and you haven’t been able to call 999, open a window and draw attention to yourselves. If you need to break the window, use a heavy object and strike the glass in the corner.
Only escape from a window if you are in immediate danger.
When in the room, use clothes and bedding to stop smoke coming through the bottom of the door before you start to leave the room. If there are two adults and children, ensure that one adult leaves first to help with lowering the children. Do not jump if possible, throw mattresses and cushions on to the floor to lower yourself on to.
We hope that you never find yourself in a situation where you will need a fire escape plan, but if you do, we hope that these tips will help. For further fire safety advice please visit the Fire Service website.
Read our article on fire safety in the home for top tips on how to prevent a fire happening in the first place.